
Thinking of 3rd level education? UCC returns to Jobs Expo Cork

22 April 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute

University College Cork was founded in 1845 and is a constituent university of the National University of Ireland. UCC has been named Irish University of the Year by the Sunday Times on four different occasions, most recently in 2015/2016. Among a field of 1200 participating universities, in 2015 UCC was named as a top performing university by the European Commission’s U-Multirank system. Notable past staff include George Boole, the inventor of Boolean logic whose work forms the basis of modern high-speed computing, and Mary Ryan, the first woman in Ireland and Great Britain to hold the position of professor.

UCC will be exhibiting at Jobs Expo Cork on June 23rd 2016 at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs in Cork.

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