
The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) will be returning to Croke Park for Jobs Expo Dublin

Workplace Relations Commission career support
26 March 2018
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Are you looking for information in your field? Considering career move? If so, then it is worth your while meeting the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) at Jobs Expo Dublin on Saturday 28th April. They will be exhibiting at the Hogan Suite in Croke Park between 10 am and 4 pm.

Workplace Relations is an independent, statutory body. On 1st October 2015 WRC were set up under the Workplace Relations Act 2015 (No. 16 of 2015). Their purpose is to educate and provide helpful information on industrial relations as well as rights and obligations under Irish employment and equality legislation.

WRC assumes the roles and functions previously carried out by:

  • The National Employment Rights Authority
  • Equality Tribunal
  • Labour Relations Commission
  • Rights Commissioners Service
  • The Complaints and Referrals functions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal

Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) responsibilities

Primarily, WRC is an advocate for the refinement and longevity of exemplary workplace relations. Furthermore, the organisation supports and encourages compliance with relevant enactments.

Additionally, the commission offers guidance in relation to compliance with codes of practice approved under Section 20 of the Workplace Relations Act 2015.

They also carry out reviews and follow up on workplace relations improvements. Furthermore, they conduct or commission research into matters pertaining to workplace relations.

The research results found by WRC, in addition to advice and information, are shared with joint labour committees and joint industrial councils. Furthermore, they advise and appraise the Minister in relation to the application of, and compliance with, relevant enactments. They also offer information to members of the public in with regards to employment.

Workplace Relations leading services include the inspection of employment rights compliance, the provision of information, the processing of employment agency and protection of young persons (employment) licences as well as the provision of mediation, conciliation, facilitation and advisory services.

The Commission has a board composed of a chairperson and eight regular members appointed by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.


  • Adjudication Services
  • Advisory Services
  • Compliance and Inspection Services
  • Conciliation Services
  • Enforcement Services
  • Information and Customer Services
  • Labour Court
  • Licensing
  • Mediation Services
  • Training
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