
Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific (Ireland)

Jobs Podcast: We talk to Boston Scientific about open career opportunities

In our final September Jobs Podcast before Jobs Expo Galway, we speak to Lorraine McDonnell of Boston Scientific about the jobs and careers available at the event on Saturday 16th September. To receive news and updates about jobs in Ireland directly into your Inbox, sign up to our newsletters by visiting follow the signup to […]
15 September 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Boston Scientific jobs

Boston Scientific heads up the Jobs Lab at Jobs Expo Galway

Great news! Boston Scientific heading up the Jobs Lab at Jobs Expo Galway. The Jobs Lab is our dedicated area for Medtech and STEM careers. In addition, Boston Scientific a Jobs Expo sponsor and will be recruiting at the event. If you work in the STEM sector, don't pass up the opportunity to meet them. About Boston […]
21 August 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Boston Scientific jobs

Boston Scientific jobs: Find out more at Jobs Expo Galway

Interested in Boston Scientific jobs? If you are working in the STEM sector, don't pass up the opportunity to meet with them at Jobs Expo Galway. Boston Scientific transform lives through innovative medical solutions. John Abele and Pete Nicholas established the company in 1979. They wanted to benefit public health by bringing medical options to […]
2 February 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Boston Scientific

What's it like to work at Boston Scientific Clonmel?

If you are working in the STEM sector, you can't afford to pass up the opportunity to meet with Boston Scientific at Jobs Expo Dublin. But what exactly do they do? And what's it like to work for them? We thought we'd let them tell you in their own words. About Boston Scientific Boston Scientific is […]
14 October 2016
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
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Boston Scientific

Meet Boston Scientific at Jobs Expo this October

We are delighted to announce that industry leader, Boston Scientific, will be exhibiting and also recruiting at Jobs Expo Dublin this October. Boston Scientific transform lives through innovative medical solutions. John Abele and Pete Nicholas established the company in 1979. They wanted to benefit public health by bringing medical options to patients that were more […]
20 September 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Boston Scientific To Exhibit At Jobs Expo Cork, 2015

Boston Scientific are a leading innovator of medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. Their products and technologies are used to diagnose or treat a wide range of medical conditions, including heart, digestive, pulmonary, vascular, urological, women's health, and chronic pain conditions. They continue to innovate in these areas and are extending our innovations […]
9 November 2015
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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