

Cork's C103 FM's coverage of Jobs Expo Cork

Cork's C103 FM's coverage of Jobs Expo Cork

Jobs Expo Cork really was all over the media on Saturday, Cork's C103 FM covering it in its news bulletins. C103 is the voice of Cork, broadcasting to Cork city and county from Bandon in West Cork. Here's how C103 FM covered Jobs Expo's arrival last Saturday to Clayton Hotel Silver Springs
2 April 2019
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Cork's 96FM supports Jobs Expo Cork

Cork's 96FM and 103FM support Jobs Expo Cork

A big thank you to Cork's leading radio stations, 96FM and 103FM, who are supporting Jobs Expo Cork, which is coming to the city on Saturday 30th March! Hear our radio advert below. Between them, 96FM and 103FM broadcast to hundred's of thousands of people throughout Cork City & County. Jobs Expo Cork takes place […]
19 March 2019
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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