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Dr. Craig Slattery

Programme Director for the UCD MSc Regulatory Affairs and Toxicology

Dr Craig Slattery is from the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science and is a registered toxicologist on the Irish and European Registers (IRT / ERT) and the programme director for the UCD MSc Regulatory Affairs and Toxicology. Dr Slattery’s primary areas of expertise are toxicology, public safety and regulatory affairs. His biomedical research focuses on the application of novel genomics and toxicogenomics approaches in regulatory toxicology and he is an experienced educator and lecturer in pharmacology and related disciplines including renal pharmacology, toxicology, health and safety, diabetes and diabetic complications. Dr Slattery is also the chair of Midlands Science, a not for profit company which works to create greater interest in STEM education and skills among students, teachers and members of the public in the Midlands.

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