
Find out about open vacancies with our September Jobs Podcast Series

September Jobs Podcast
6 September 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Jobs Expo Galway is nearly here. To keep you up to date with all the job opportunities on offer at the event we have launched our September Jobs Podcast Series. We'll be interviewing a number of leading employers as well as discussing their open vacancies. We will also find out a bit about the kinds of candidates they want to meet at Jobs Expo Galway.

September Jobs Podcast Series: Convenient and Informative

"The September Jobs Podcast Series is the one of the most convenient ways to prepare for Jobs Expo Galway," says Anne Sexton, Content Editor with Jobs Expo.

"Employers appreciate job seekers who have done some research on the company. The podcast does this for you. There really is no substitute to listening to employers themselves discuss their company and opportunities," she adds.

Upcoming Employer Podcasts

The first of our September Jobs Podcasts is with Alen Tully, the National Sales Director of PhoneWatch. On the run up to Jobs Expo Galway, we will chat to a number of leading employers. These include SmartBear, Transitions Optical, SiteMinder and Tandem Project Management. We'll also be talking to Innopharma College of Applied Sciences about their education and upskilling opportunties. You can also listen to Jobs Expo's Kevin Branigan chat to Keith Finnegan on Galway Bay FM about about the event on 16th September, 2017 and about the latest Jobs in Galway survey.

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