
See what courses Cork ETB have to offer at our next Jobs Expo

Cork ETB
24 October 2019
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Are you considering doing a course in order to upskill and enhance your experience? Cork ETB's admissions team will be talking to prospective students throughout Jobs Expo Cork. Register for FREE admission and discover great education and career opportunities on 23rd November at Cork City Hall.

About Cork ETB

Cork Education and Training Board was established in 2013. It’s a statutory body charged with the delivery of Education and Training across Cork City and County.

The Board is the largest provider of education and training services in the region. It provides for all levels from primary education up to Post Leaving Certificate. Furthermore, Cork ETB holds a responsibility to deliver a comprehensive suite of training programmes for those in employment and seeking employment.


Cork Education and Training Board strives to deliver on its vision:


“To provide a pathway for every learner”


In order to ensure that this is achieved, Cork ETB plans, provides, supports and coordinates education, training and youth services in Cork. Additionally, these courses are recognised internationally as a model of excellence.

Cork Education and Training Board is a driving force for Education and Training in Cork, providing high quality services which are innovative, responsive and inclusive.

A core principal of all Cork ETB activity is to provide a pathway for every learner. Their services are focused, from planning to delivery, on ensuring that all learners have opportunities for:


  • Access – that a learner will be able to access a service, course or programme, relevant to their needs and capabilities, in an appropriate and timely manner
  • Transfer – that learners will be able to transfer between services and programmes offered by cork ETB and other learning providers, in as seamless a manner as possible
  • Progression – that learners will be able to progress to the world of work or further studies, utilising the knowledge skills and competencies they have developed in their studies.

Cork ETB provides the following services:

  • Primary Education
  • Post-Primary Education
  • Further Education and Training
  • Post Leaving Certificate Courses
  • Apprenticeship Training
  • Traineeships
  • Specific Skills Training
  • Community Training Centres
  • Local Training Initiatives
  • Specialist Training Providers
  • Youthreach
  • BTEI
  • Youth Services
  • School of Music
  • VTOS
  • Adult Literacy
  • Community Education
  • Skills for Work
  • Prison Education
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