
See what careers Kelly Services can match you with at Jobs Expo Galway in February

Kelly Services jobs
29 November 2019
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Find out what career opportunities Kelly Services have to offer when they exhibit at Jobs Expo Galway.  Their recruitment team will be looking for eager professionals on 22nd February at the beautiful Galmont Hotel & Spa. They will be talking to jobseekers throughout the day. Register for this FREE event today and discover great jobs in the west.

Kelly in Ireland

Kelly have been in Ireland for over two decades. They are a recruitment agency. They listen to the people they connect with, look for their unique skills and discover how they want to work.

For years Kelly has helped place thousands of candidates across the country. Furthermore, they place great people that make a profound impact on people’s lives: these are the production operators that make medical devices that allow patients to thrive and live. Kelly can confidently say that they are experts in the recruitment field. Their clients include but are not exclusive to: Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Stryker, Creganna Medical and Goodman Medical.

The company is consistently reacting to client and candidate needs, proactively managing and exceeding the expectations. They tailor their approach to each and every person they work with. The team works collaboratively as they share knowledge and best practice.

They have seen employees evolve in the course of their employment with them – they give people confidence and opportunity for constant progress. In today’s hectic world people want the flexibility of fitting work around their lifestyle while still having a consistent income and Kelly has helped to enable that.

At Kelly they see people not candidates, they see the individual not the number.

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