
Rule Change May Mean Job Posts Must Have Salary Listed

Rule Change May Mean Job Posts Must Have Salary Listed
2 March 2022
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

It is not uncommon for job listings to not include the salary or pay for a position. Ultimately, a lot of people on the job hunt apply to these roles only to find some do not meet their salary expectations or the pay is not a right match for their experience.

If you have fallen victim to this, luckily there is some good news here. The European Union has announced its plans to make it a requirement for job posts to include the pay or the salary.

On the European Parliament website, a briefing said that equal pay for equal work is one of the EU’s founding principles, enshrined in Article 157 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union.

It also states that implementing and enforcing this remains to be challenging. In addition, because of the lack of transparency about pay in job posts, pay discrimination often goes unnoticed.

This process began in March of 2021 with the European Commission implementing a legislative proposal on binding pay transparency measures. The goal of doing so was to remove pay gaps between women and men through enforcement measures and transparency.

Additionally, though, it will enable potential employees to comprehend the job’s rate of pay, as phrases such as ‘based on the candidate’ or ‘a salary in line with the market’ will no longer be allowed to be used.

As a result, job advertisements on websites such as LinkedIn and Indeed may be required to have a set amount or a scale with the minimum and maximum a candidate should expect.

The European Council has also said that employers should indicate the initial pay range to be paid to future workers, whether this is in the advertisement or the conclusion of the employment contract.

Some have said this could lead to employers avoiding including pay details in their advertisements. The change will also make sure mandatory training for applicants is free of charge, with employers covering the costs. The exact details of the bill are not yet finalised but a draft report is expected to be released by the end of this month.

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