
Professional career coach, Frank Hynes, will be speaking and giving career guidance at Jobs Expo this autumn

17 August 2022
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

In addition to the diverse range of employers exhibiting at the Jobs Expo events, there will be a great line-up of Career Coaches and speakers throughout the day. Frank Hynes will be offering career guidance at the Career Clinic from 10am until 4pm. Furthermore, he will be giving his seminar, Returning to Work or Changing Careers: The key skills and qualities employers are looking for, at 10:30am on the Agenda Stage. Chat with Frank at Leisureland Events Centre on Saturday, 17th September. Get FREE ADMISSION to Jobs Expo by registering today right here.

About Frank

Frank Hynes is the founder and CEO of a business called JobChanger

Through JobChanger Frank helps people find work they truly love and are passionate about. The first step is figuring out what you want from your career, would love to do and will be good at. The next step is to get that job or set up in self-employment.

Frank works with people from all career areas who want to change their current work situation.  Clients include people currently in work but who are looking for something more inspiring and rewarding where they feel their contribution is truly valued.

Frank spent 28 years working in the public sector changing roles many times. He is highly trained in numerous areas including a Master’s degree and a number of Graduate Diplomas including Leadership Development.

He spent several years figuring out what he wanted to do.  He now will show you how to figure this out for yourself literally in a matter of weeks by following a proven step by step process.

Frank also set up a business called “Fresh Pastures” helping farmers and their families cope with the challenges they face and creating space to live fulfilled lives.

He is married to Teresa and has 4 children.

Check out the business website

Frank can be contacted by e-mail or by phone (087)2832761.


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