
Oriel High School will be recruiting teachers at Jobs Expo Cork

Oriel High School Jobs
27 October 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Jobs Expo Cork is very pleased to announce that Oriel High School will be recruiting for jobs at our event on 16 November at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs.

About Oriel High School

Oriel High School is an innovative and successful 11-18 school. It opened in September 2004 and since then has grown year on year. Each year the school is oversubscribed with over 1400 students. Most noteworthy, this year Ofsted rate the school as "Good" (2016 Ofsted Report). Ofsted describes a school as good if it is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs. This means that pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment.

Oriel High School is a dynamic and vibrant school. It offers outstanding facilities. It is also ambitious for its students. Therefore, the school provides inspirational learning opportunities in a nurturing, harmonious and cooperative environment. The school offers an exciting and engaging curriculum to meet the individual needs of each of their students and enable them to achieve their potential. The staff have high expectations of themselves. Therefore, they work together in partnership so that all members of their community feel valued.

There is an extensive support program for new and newly qualified staff along with a commitment to help staff at all stages in their career develop to be the best that they can be. Oriel High School values professional creativity. As a result, they provide staff and students the opportunity to thrive.

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