
NUI Galway to host free lecture on open innovation

open innovation
28 April 2014
Est. Reading: 1 minute

NUI Galway will hold a number of free events on the topic of open innovation that will benefit those involved in start-ups, established businesses, government bodies and policy making.

The events comprise of  an Innovation Lecture and three Master Classes which will be delivered by Wim Vanhaverbeke, Professor of Strategy and Innovation, University of Hasselt, Belgium, on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 May at NUI Galway.

The public lecture (which will take place on Thursday, 8 May, at 6pm) will explain how firms that can harness outside ideas to advance their own business goals, while leveraging their internal ideas outside their current operations, are likely to thrive in this new era of open innovation. Professor Vanhaverbeke’s will focus the lecture on the most common management problems when companies commence open innovation.

The Master Classes are as follows:

From Open Innovation to Innovation Ecosystems - Thursday, 8 May from 10am to 12pm.

Innovation in High-Tech and Low-Tech SMEs – Thursday, 8 May from 2pm to 4pm.

Crafting Innovation Deals between Large and Small Companies – Friday, 8 May from 8.30am to 10.30am.

The Innovation Master Classes will take place in Room CA110, Cairnes Building, NUI Galway.

To register for the any of the free events, visit or phone 091 492817.

For further details on the Programme, click here.

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