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Irish retailers use ‘eMark’ to encourage consumers to buy Irish goods online

The Christmas period is essential to the survival and growth of the businesses of Irish retailers, but with Irish consumers spending more than €8.5 million per day on online goods, they face a huge challenge in securing consumer spend. That is why many retailers are now taking positive steps in cyberspace to help support and […]
29 November 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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job outlook

Is the job outlook in Ireland finally moving in the right direction?

The job outlook in Ireland seems to be improving, at least according to the latest figures coming from the Central Statistics Office (CSO). Benjamin Disraeli once said that there are three kinds of lies: 'lies, damned lies, and statistics', yet it is difficult not to feel a sense of optimism given the CSO report, which claims that […]
26 November 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Christmas parties suggest that things are looking up for Irish SMEs

According to the latest Close Brothers Business Barometer survey, almost half of all Irish small and medium enterprise (SME) owners will hold  staff Christmas parties this year, thereby marking an increase of around 10 per cent compared with last year's Christmas period. ‘Christmas parties have fallen victim to the recession over the last few years […]
20 November 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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75 new jobs to be created in Dublin

More than 70 new jobs are to be created in Dublin after two Indian companies announced that they would be establishing international headquarters in the capital. Forty of those roles are to be brought into being by Aditi Technologies, a ‘cloud first’ technology services company whose headquarters are in Bangalore, India. Aditi has worked with […]
18 November 2013
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
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Nestlé to create close to 2,000 jobs for young people in Ireland and UK

Food company Nestlé have launched a job creation initiative to bring 1,900 employment opportunities to young people over the next three years as part of its European Youth Employment Initiative launched in Athens. The programme will help 20,000 people across Europe under the age of 30 find employment; offering 10,000 jobs and creating 10,000 apprentice […]
15 November 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Thoughts from Down Under: Living and working in Australia

Australia is one of the destinations of choice for many of those leaving Irish shores to find work. But how do those who have made the move feel about their adopted home? This Irish Times piece takes a look at Irish emigrants' experiences and attitudes towards life in Australia. 'Every six minutes somebody leaves Ireland […]
11 November 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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