
Meet careers advisor, Stephen Byrne from Change Guidance, at Jobs Expo Dublin

4 October 2023
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

We are delighted to announce that careers advisor, Stephen Byrne, will be joining the Jobs Expo Career Clinic this year. You can ask Stephen for advice at the Career Clinic between 10am and 4pm on 14th October. Jobs Expo Dublin will take place at Croke Park's Hogan Events Centre. You can register for your FREE TICKET today!

Change Guidance - Stephen Byrne Careers Adviser

Stephen ByrneStephen Byrne, BA (Hons) Psychology, Pg Dip Adult Guidance & counselling, delivering career advice and exploring career research with CareersPortal. In Change Guidance, Stephen supports peoples readiness, willingness, and ability to change as a Career Adviser. Providing one-to-one online coaching to those looking to develop in career and approach their change with confidence. Change can be in belief, attitude, skills, approach or situation.


Across the 33 sectors in Ireland's labour market, jobs, job seeking requirements are in ongoing development and change. Your values during your career will change. Your proximity to readiness will change. Approaching change and developing readiness to change in your career journey, are key skills to continue to grow toward your goals. These goals may require pathways in education, training, and employment.

Stephen has over 15 years’ experience in supporting change.  He is passionate about helping people to find the right career path and supporting growth towards being ready to change. Stephen is also professionally trained in guiding people in the technical aspects of career development such as; Job searching strategies, CV development, interview techniques and goal setting.

Stephen uses a change development & life skills approach.  This takes the positive focus of building on the persons existing strengths, skills, intelligence, knowledge and experience and how these can be used as a step for further development.

Stephen helps encourage people to reflect their beliefs and attitudes to develop a positive mindset to possibilities available and consider potential changes.  Stephen then supports people in a meaningful, practical process to start moving step by step towards achieving their life goals.

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