
Meet Career Coach, Catriona Kirwan, at our online expo this November

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions the remainder of our 2020 Jobs Expo events will now take place online at Virtual Recruitment Ireland on Saturday, 21st November. This online event feature our great line-up of Career Coaches, who'll be offering their services free of change for jobseekers throughout the day. We have a new coach joining our virtual Career Clinic. Catriona Kirwan from will be lending her expertise between 10am and 4pm. You can now get your tickets for this FREE EVENT right here.

About Catriona Kirwan

Catriona Kirwan is an accredited Career Coach whose passion is in enabling her clients to connect with careers which are both meaningful and fulfilling. By doing the work in advance of your career search - exploring your passion, identifying your key strengths, skills and motivators, coaching with Catriona will empower you to approach your chosen career with certainty.

She offers positive support to eliminate confusion and fear and instead move towards clarity and success. A successful career comes from the inside out and by working on any self-limiting beliefs her clients may have and removing blockages along the road, she empowers them to make well informed decisions allowing them to flourish in their chosen career.

She firmly believes, through her own experience and through her experience with her coaching clients, that it is only when you are clear on your individual strengths and skills and have the self-belief and confidence to own and promote them, only then will you be empowered to achieve your career goals.

Catriona uses a WIN (WholesystemIntegtated with Neuroscience) approach to her coaching using the head, heart and gut in the decision-making process. She is a member of the World Association of Coaches with Neuroscience and bases many of her coaching strategies on Neuroscientific fact. This approach allows clients to approach challenges such as interviews with self-belief and confidence.

For further information or to book a complementary discussion phone call contact Catriona on

Telephone: (087)8369882

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