
Learn more about the eCollege Skills to Advance programme at Jobs Expo

eCollege courses
25 July 2022
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Are you eager to upskill so you can advance in your career? Interested in studying, but need to find a flexible course that fits your schedule? Chat with eCollege this autumn at our Jobs Expo events. Registration for these career fairs is free and you can get your ticket right here.

About eCollege

eCollege is the national further education and training online learning service, run by SOLAS. eCollege operates on a continuous intake basis and offers flexible, fully online learning opportunities leading to certification in a broad range of subjects. There are over 30 programmes on offer to enhance your digital skills in the work place or at home. Subjects range from the International Computer Driving License [ICDL], to Digital Marketing to Project Management and Computer Programming.



eCollege offers very flexible online learning and is ideal for those wishing to study at their own pace around their work and life commitments. Skills to Advance aims to equip employees with the skills to progress in their current job, or to take advantage of new job opportunities. It is a SOLAS upskilling scheme for employees,  provided by your local ETB Training Centre. Talk to their dedicated staff to access in-person training to suit your occupation.

You can meet them at Jobs Expos in Galway, Dublin and Cork this autumn to find out more about what eCollege and Skills to Advance can offer you.

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