
Teacher recruitment specialists Hourglass Education joins Jobs Expo Cork

Hourglass Education Jobs
27 October 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Jobs Expo is very pleased to announce that Hourglass Education will be returning for jobs and exhibiting at our Cork event on 16 November.

Hourglass Education is a unique, specialist teacher recruitment agency. They recruit long-term, contract and permanent contract teachers for posts throughout England. Hourglass Education also works in partnership with a large number of schools, academies and academy trusts throughout England. Furthermore, they are under positive instructions to secure more teachers from Ireland.

The team at Hourglass Education have been recruiting and placing teachers from overseas for the last 16 years. As a result, they have an extremely successful track record in placing teachers in positions which match their needs.

The agency supports their teachers throughout the recruitment process. This ensures a match between teachers and an institution that relates to their experience. In addition, this means that teachers can actualise, develop and enhance their repertoire and skills. Hourglass also supports teachers throughout their transition period.

Hourglass Education services to teachers

  • Securing the location preferred by teachers
  • Matching closely the type of school: size, ethos, philosophy, academic and behavioural standards to a teacher’s experience
  • Assisting with arrival, induction, initial and long-term accommodation needs
  • Advising and supporting teachers as they commence and continue in their posts

Hourglass Education places teachers in positions that are full time for a minimum of one teaching year. Consequently, they do not place teachers for daily or short-term assignments.

Two former head teachers lead the agency. Together they have 34 years of educational recruitment experience.

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