
Great talks and seminars this weekend at our Agenda Stage and Google Digital Garage

cork seminars
26 March 2019
Est. Reading: 1 minute

We have a variety of great talks on this Saturday’s Agenda Stage and Google Digital Garage. Here is the Jobs Expo Cork seminar list. Don’t forget, the seminars are first-come-first-served. Therefore, make a note of the seminars you want to attend and get in early.

Our Agenda Stage seminars at Jobs Expo Cork are sponsored by Glenveagh Properties PLC.

Glenveagh’s first site in Cork opened in December 2018, marking the beginning of their expansion into Munster.

Glenveagh are looking to meet with Engineers, Site Managers, Foremen, Health & Safety Officers and Quantity Surveyors, who wish to build their careers within the company. If you want to be part of this success, come meet their team at the Jobs Expo Cork.

You can meet their team on 30th March at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs.

As well as a full day of talks and seminars on the Agenda Stage, Google Digital Garage will be in attendance with three hours of talks on the day.

To view the Seminar Schedule, click here. 

For more information about Glenveagh Properties PLC, click here.

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