
Get the clarity you need to pursue the career you really want with Career Compass

Ciaran Barry Coaching
18 December 2023
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Ciaran Barry Coaching have recently launched a free four day online career coaching course on their website. This course is focused on helping individuals find their ideal career. Sign-up for free and get started here.

About Ciaran Barry

Ciaran BarryCiaran is a life coach and career coach who works with clients from all over the world who feel stuck in their professional or personal life. He helps his clients figure out what it is they truly want in life and work with them to achieve that goal. They accomplish this by creating a detailed vision for their future, identifying obstacles and challenges that have held them back and developing new strategies to get them to where they want to be.


He has successfully helped people at all life and career stages. Clients with private backgrounds, from corporate roles, the Irish Defence Forces and human resources. In addition, he has worked with other life coaches or entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses. Together, they've achieved a wide range of life, business and career goals.

Ciaran is a professional qualified coach with an Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching from Kingstown College Dublin, so you can be assured that you are working with a coach who has completed several training programmes in conjunction with the International Coaching Federation. In addition to his diploma in coaching, he has extensive qualifications in business management, positive psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Through collaborative work as a team, he will help you become more focused and self-aware and set the right goals to get you to where you really want to be. Ultimately, it’s about creating meaningful changes in your life, reaching your full potential by becoming the person you want to be, with a life and career you love and feel passionate about.

Meet Ciaran at Jobs Expo Galway

Ciaran will be returning to Jobs Expo Galway in 2024. He will be offering 1:1 career coaching at the Career Clinic and giving his seminar, How To Find Your Career Path, on February 24th at the Galmont Hotel & Spa. You can register for FREE ADMISSION here.


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