
Get an education in finance with the Institute of Banking. Talk to their team at Jobs Expo Dublin

The Institute of Banking courses
9 October 2018
Est. Reading: 1 minute

We're delighted to have the Institute of Banking join Jobs Expo Dublin. If you are interested in pursuing courses in this area, you can find out more at Croke Park this Saturday.

About The Institute of Banking

The Institute of Banking is the largest professional institute in Ireland. They are a community of 33,000 members who work in banking and in both international and local financial services in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Professional development of their members through education is at the heart of what the Institute does.  They are a not-for-profit organisation.

The Institute provides university-level banking education programmes and related services. These enable members to achieve and sustain their professional qualifications and continuing professional development – essential to meet customer and regulatory expectations.

More than 10,000 of their members are currently studying at the Institute.

The Institute of Banking get you qualified to work in banking and financial services. The qualifications, where appropriate, meet the Central Bank of Ireland’s regulatory requirements, including the Minimum Competency Code.

The Institute’s mission is to make a defining contribution to the renewal of professional standards and standing of Irish banking and financial services to the ultimate benefit of customers and society. Professional members of the Institute are committed to upholding the best standards of integrity, professionalism, propriety, objectivity and fairness.

They believe that education is the bedrock of any profession and the basis of professional standards.

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