
Find out how SECAD can help you at Jobs Expo Cork

23 May 2017
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

We are very pleased to announce that the South and East Cork Area Development, SECAD, will be joining us for Jobs Expo Cork on Thursday 25th May 2017.

SECAD works in partnership with state agencies such as the Education and Training Boards, SOLAS as well as  local authorities and the community sector. In addition, they work with social partners such as employers, trade unions, and the farming and environmental sectors.

The government funds SECAD to roll out programmes, including the following:

  • Rural Development Programme
  • Local Community Development Programme
  • Rural Transport Programme
  • South and East Cork Tourism
  • Equality for Women
  • Rural Social Scheme
  • Tús work placement scheme

What SECAD can do for you

The organisation provides employment supports to individuals and groups who are seeking employment, education or training. SECAD also provides an information service in five locations in East Cork, Ballincollig, Carrigaline, Cobh, Midleton and Youghal.

SECAD’s supports include mentoring, training courses, small grants and networking to people setting up their own business. Furthermore, under the Local and Community Development Programme, SECAD provides a range of supports to communities and individuals. These include funding for community projects, training courses for community groups, training programmes to support people who are seeking work or education. This also includes supports for mental health projects and youth projects. In addition, SECAD operates a community based rural transport service.

Employment Pathways Service

SECAD delivers the Employment Pathways Service (EPS) in targeted towns based on the highest level of deprivation.

This service focuses on the following elements:

  • One to one support for individuals furthest from the labour market to explore options around employment, self-employment, training and education;
  • Group level support around CV preparation, interview skills, Technology for Work skills, social welfare guidance including support around Back to Education Allowance and access to other public employment services including JobBridge, Tús, JobPath, Education and Training Board (ETB) training opportunities, etc.
  • Accessing online and web based employment support and recruitment platforms.
  • Youth focussed activation programme, KICKSTART in one area.
  • Employer Engagement – SECAD worked with local business associations and small companies to highlight the benefits of recruiting unemployed people e.g. Jobplus, JobBridge and to identify suitable vacancies.
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