
Lidl Ireland

lidl ireland

Lidl burst onto the Irish grocery market in the summer of 2000.  Since then, the organisation has opened over 210 stores across the island of Ireland. They have changed the face of shopping for the better with top quality products made available at the lowest possible prices.

Back story

The very first Lidl store opened in Ludwigshafen in 1973. Since then, the company has expanded throughout Europe. They now operate in over 32 countries, with more than 310,000 employees. As a result, they currently have the largest network of discount grocery retailers in Europe.

Lidl Ireland employs over 6000 employees nationwide. Furthermore, they employ people in various capacities, from a variety of different backgrounds and with different levels of expertise.

Training and Development

Lidl is serious about the career development of their employees. Many of their managers have successfully advanced in their careers, from entry level to managerial positions. All employees receive training and support to reach their full potential and to progress within the company.


Lidl is offering an exciting 18-month programme which consists of several modules that will give graduates a full understanding of their business. Whilst on the programme they will receive a bespoke training plan designed around their career path and current skills. They spend some time in stores and warehouses to gain a thorough understanding of the key business areas before entering their chosen department. The programme gives them the opportunity to enjoy both personal and professional development through on-the-job training and a blended learning approach.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Lidl contribute positively to the communities in which they operate. They work with over 200 local suppliers and actively engage in communities across Ireland through charity partnerships, donation programmes and LGFA sponsorship. Alongside their community initiatives, they are also committed to protecting the environment and they also encourage their employees to do so as well.



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