
Irish Defence Forces

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Careers in the Irish Defence Forces

The Irish Defence Forces is made up of the Army, Air Corps, Naval Service and Reserve Defence Forces. In order to aid the Irish State we fulfil a number of roles, such as;

Defend the State- To defend the State against armed aggression; this being a contingency, preparations for its implementation will depend on an ongoing Government assessment of the security and defence environment.

Aid the Civil Power- To Aid the Civil Power/ Aid to the Civil Authority (meaning in practice to assist, when requested, the Garda Síochána, who have primary responsibility for law and order, including the protection of the internal security of the State).

Multinational Peacekeeping & Humanitarian Relief- To participate in multinational peace support, crisis management and humanitarian relief operations in support of the United Nations and under UN mandate, including regional security missions authorised by the UN. In the past the Defence Forces have served overseas in Europe, the Middle East, Central America, Africa & Asia. Currently we are deployed in Africa, Europe & the Middle East.

Maritime Security & Fishery Protection- The Naval Service is the State’s principal seagoing agency with a general responsibility to meet contingent maritime defence requirements. It is tasked with a variety of defence and other roles. Defence roles include defending territorial seas, deterring intrusive or aggressive acts, conducting maritime surveillance, maintaining an armed naval presence, ensuring rite of passage and protecting marine assets.

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