The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission ('GSOC') was established in 2007 as an independent statutory body (under the Garda Síochána Act 2005) for the purpose of ensuring openness, transparency and accountability in the process by which complaints relating to An Garda Síochána are investigated. The Garda Síochána Act, 2005, as amended, stipulates that GSOC is independent in the performance of its functions. GSOC has 173 staff employed at 3 locations – Dublin, Cork and Longford.
GSOC is also undergoing a major transformation project, as a result of the recent enactment of the Policing, Security and Community Safety Act 2024 (PSCS Act). GSOC will be reconstituted as Fiosrú, the Office of the Police Ombudsman upon the commencement of the PSCS Act during 2025. Fiosrú will continue to investigate complaints about Gardaí with enhanced powers and a broader mandate. The Government has nominated Ms Emily Logan as the first Police Ombudsman for Ireland, and Ms Sheila McClelland has been appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of Fiosrú.
Fiosrú’s workforce comprises a range of general and specific roles across teams including Casework, Investigations and Administration. Fiosrú personnel in general civil service grades such as Clerical Officer and Executive Officer are recruited by publicjobs and interested job seekers should seek to apply via the publicjobs website
Job Alerts with PublicJobs can be set up to be notified of competitions.
Fiosrú also employs staff in roles specific to the organisation, for instance Investigations Officers and Assistant Investigations Officers. These officers are tasked with investigating complaints received from members of the public about Gardaí. They also investigate matters referred to Fiosrú by the Gardaí, for instance incidents where the conduct of a member of the Garda Síochána may have resulted in the death of, or serious harm to, a person. These officers conduct fair, impartial investigations that maintain the highest standards of human rights, transparency and public trust. Investigations teams also liaise with complainants and their families to support them throughout the investigation process and, where relevant, court proceedings.
Recruitment competitions for Investigations Officers and Assistant Investigations Officers are held periodically when vacancies arise, and details will be publicly advertised including at the website. From time to time Fiosrú also recruits other specialist personnel to support delivery of its statutory functions, and these are also publicly advertised.