
Brothers of Charity Services

Brothers of Charity Services

Make a positive difference and gain skills and experience!

The Brothers of Charity Services in Ireland provide a variety of services and supports to approximately 6,500 people with an intellectual disability or autism, and their families, throughout Counties Clare, Cork, Galway, Kerry, Limerick, Roscommon, Tipperary, and Waterford.

We provide residential, respite, day, host family and home-based Services. These are supported by Social Care Workers, Psychologists, Nurses, Speech and Language Therapists, Psychiatrists, Support Workers and Social Workers. Our Services are provided by approximately 4,000 staff with a variety of professional backgrounds and experience, and who are motivated in their work by the Ethos, Vision and Values of the Brothers of Charity Services.

We work in partnership with local communities, state agencies and voluntary organisations to initiate and develop inclusive opportunities, for and with the people supported by the Brothers of Charity Services.

The Brothers of Charity Services in Ireland is a learning organisation whose responses are based on best practice, and in full recognition of the right of each person to self-determine their life goals and wishes.



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