
Brampton Care & Rehab Centre

Brampton Care & Rehab Centre

Who we are:

Privately owned Nursing Home in Oranmore, Co. Galway. Established in 2017, with capacity for 79 Care of the Elderly residents and 60 Acquired Brain Injury Residents in a state-of-the-art facility.

What we do:

Provide residential care, convalescent care, respite care and palliative care to residents most of whom are over 65 years of age.

Provide specialist long term care to people with Acquired Brain Injury that are not able to return to the community due to their complex care needs

Provide specialist Brain Injury Rehabilitation to people with Acquired Brain Injury to enable them to return to live in the community

Our Team:

Director of Nursing, Assistant Director of Nursing, CNM2, CNM1s, Registered Nurses, Healthcare Assistants:

MDT: Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Psychologist, GP

Facilities: Facilities Manager, Maintenance Team, HR executive, HR assistant, Admin, Finance, Accommodation Manager, Housekeeping/Hygiene team, Chef Manager and Catering Team.

What we offer:

Competitive Salary, Free on-site parking, on an excellent bus route from Galway city and surrounds, free meals, continuous professional development including bespoke training in ABI, Assistance finding accommodation locally if needed

Are you interested in joining our Team?

Please leave a copy of your CV or mobile phone number with us or email your CV/Contact details to



Bus Service Route 404

Operated by Bus Èireann

Eyre Square, Prospect Hill, Bóthar Brendain Úi Eithir, College Rd, Dublin Rd, Aradaun, Dublin Rd, Doughiska Rd (western section, to the Galway Clinic), R466, un-named road to OranTown Centre, Main Street, N6, R466.

Estates served:

Roshill, Aradaun, Ros Caoin, Boireann Bheag, Caiseal Cam, Durling, Roscam Park, Liós an Uisce, Glenn na Ri, Geata na Mara, Murrough, Woodhaven, Tudor Vale, Ashbrook, Costa na Mara, Oakfield, Hazel Court.

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