
An Garda Síochána

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Find out how to join An Garda Síochána as well as what to expect during training, and information on the Garda Reserve, and civilian opportunities in the organisation. You can chat with their team at Jobs Expo.

Policing is an exciting job with unique demands. It is a challenging and exciting role and one which continually presents new and interesting experiences. Modern policing entails much more than crime prevention. Reducing the fear of crime and working in partnership with communities are the keys to making a positive difference and improving quality of life for all citizens.

Members of An Garda Síochána, operate on the front line, supporting victims and witnesses, providing reassurance and instilling con­fidence. Gardaí are in a position to make a proactive contribution to their local area, building relationships and trust within the community. Garda training provides the tools needed to carry out the necessary functions and tasks expected for policing an increasingly diverse society.

Policing is intrinsically rewarding and Gardaí receive a competitive salary with attractive allowances. To reach trainee stage however, applicants must go through a rigorous selection process, designed to assess whether you have the qualities necessary to become a successful member of An Garda Síochána.

After training a career in An Garda Síochána presents opportunities to work in a wide variety of fields including regular policing duties or more specialised units such as Community Policing, Roads Policing, Public Order, Detective Duties, investigating Organised Crime, Fraud and Drugs Offences.

An Garda Síochána is committed to creating a policing service that is fully representative of all diverse communities in Ireland and actively encourages applications from all eligible candidates.

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