
Aldi Jobs - Jobs working for Aldi

Aldi Jobs
23 June 2015
Est. Reading: 1 minute

We're delighted to welcome Aldi to this month's Jobs Expo Cork.

Aldi is one of the world’s leading grocery retailers.  In 1999 Aldi opened its first stores in Ireland.  We currently have 114 trading stores with more planned openings that will see our store portfolio grow even further across the country.
We now command 8.6%* of the Irish grocery market. Graduate Vacancies:  We offer unprecedented career opportunities with a comprehensive training programme.
We aim to recruit graduates of the highest calibre who enjoy being part of an enthusiastic and committed team in a fast moving and stimulating environment.  The rewards are impressive too – the starting salary is €61,000 plus an Audi A4, includes a pension, private healthcare, life assurance and five weeks’ holiday.
Who Should Apply:  Students with a 2.1 degree or equivalent in any discipline. Application Procedure and Closing Date:  Apply online at or send your CV with a covering letter illustrating leadership potential to Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited, Limerick Road, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork.
Visit our website

This month's Jobs Expo Cork is taking place at Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork on Thursday June 25th.


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