
Exhibiting At Jobs Expo 2015 - Innovation Enterprise Network

12 May 2015
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

We're delighted to welcome Innovation Enterprise Network to Jobs Expo 2015.


About Us

IE Network is a Dublin-based initiative of the Dublin Regional Authority. It was born out of the post-Celtic Tiger era which saw the emergence of the non-traditional unemployed grouping of high-skilled / professionals. It was launched recently on 18th November 2010, during the Innovation Dublin festival.

The purpose of the IE Network is threefold:

1. To facilitate professional and social networking amongst the peer group of unemployed high-skilled/ professionals and to consolidate the existing services available to them;
2. To target these to our Members, so that they can either go about setting up their own business, or simply brush up on their job-seeking skills, such as CV writing and interview techniques; and
3. To supplement public services with tailored professional social training and events to the specific needs of our Members.

We endeavour to provide a platform of mutual support (Member / Member and Member / IE Network) coupled with the consolidation and targeting of existing and State and local services for out-of-work High-skilled / Professionals.

We want to assist our Members to identify a route back to the workplace, either by getting a new employer, or, if you simply cannot get a suitable job, to assist you with starting out on your own.

The IE Network is the next stage development from the pilot scheme, IEZ, which was founded in September 2009 by South Dublin County Council for the benefit of its unemployed high-skilled/ professionals which it recognised had limited assistance from existing State and local employment and welfare resources, most of which catered to the traditional low-skilled worker.
While we are a professional Network working for the benefit of currently unemployed high-skilled/ professionals, we are grateful to the Dublin Regional Authority for instigating this initative and for providing us with the financial support.

Benefits Of Membership

  1. Easily identifiable and accessible customer journey through existing public services for IE Network Members;
  2. Professional and Social Peer support group encompassing skilled professionals from across industry spectra;
  3. Information relevant to high-skilled / professionals contained within one structured online source;
  4. Options: information on how to go out on one’s with simultaneous information on how to get back on the career ladder.
  5. A true sense of belo;ging with one’s peers;
  6. A shared ambition of fellow unemployed high-skilled / professionals to help each other to navigate successfully back to work; and
  7. The pooled commitment of existing State and local agencies to help unemployed high-skilled / professionals

Visit Innovation Enterprise Network's website to find out more.

Jobs Expo 2015 is taking place at Dublin's Croke Park on Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th May and at Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork on Thursday June 25th.


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