
DIT launches Ireland's first logistics apprenticeship

28 September 2018
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Logistics and freight distribution companies from across Ireland have warned that a no-deal Brexit coupled with an acute shortage of qualified logistics workers could lead to significant disruption in the sector. The warning comes as Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) launches Ireland’s first ever Logistics Apprenticeship aimed at addressing the skills gap in the industry while providing ‘earn as you learn' opportunities to schools leavers and mature students. The launch was attended by the Minister for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development John Halligan TD, Logistics Associate Apprentices and leading industry employers.


Aidan Flynn, General Manager Freight Transport Association Ireland and Chair of the Logistics Associate Apprenticeship Consortium, is confident the new enterprise-led apprenticeship will alleviate skills shortage in the sector. “In recent years, our industry has struggled with a widespread skills shortage, and we are also facing an uncertain future with Brexit on the horizon. Regardless of the outcome of negotiations, there is likely to be a divergence in UK and EU regulations increasing the cost of transporting goods and the level of paperwork required to do so. The Logistics Associate Apprenticeship launched today will provide the industry with a fresh cohort of graduates equipped with the knowledge required to maintain supply chains and the steady distribution of goods to wholesalers, retailers and consumers across the country.”

During his speech at the launch event today, Minister of State for Training and Skills John Halligan TD said, "Employer buy-in is critical as the apprenticeship model is dependent on employers taking on apprentices. It is essential that key stakeholders continue to build on existing and foster new relationships within the enterprise community and that all sectors of the economy embrace the challenge to develop new apprenticeships."

Thinking of Applying?

The Logistics Associate Apprenticeship was announced by the Government last year as part of the Action Plan for Education. The plan aims to double the number of new apprentices registered to 9,000 by 2020 and expand further into new areas. 18 employers and 26 apprentices from across the Freight, Transport, Distribution and Logistics sector are participating in the programme on a day-release basis with the apprentices attending class one day a week in the School of Management in DIT Aungier Street.

To begin an apprenticeship, you must be employed in your chosen occupation by an approved employer. Interested candidates can find out more about the Logistics Associate Apprenticeship here.

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