
Discover Dublin's medieval and viking history through Dublinia at Jobs Expo

Dublinia Heritage Centre
17 April 2018
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Dublinia land in Croke Park on Saturday April 28th to exhibit at Jobs Expo Dublin. Meet the cultural heritage centre and find what course opportunities they have to offer.

About Dublinia

Dublinia is a not for profit organisation established for research and education purposes.

The organisation runs the Heritage Centre in the heart of Viking and Medieval Dublin. Additionally, they a well-established QQI approved professional training organisation.

Dublinia delivers QQI approved training programmes in Culture and Heritage studies and National Tour Guiding. Also, they provide bespoke training programmes to a variety of organisations in the tourism and heritage industry.

Their knowledge and understanding of the heritage and tourism industry offers a unique and practical insight of the industry and the role of the tour guide. This ensures that learners achieve professional competencies and high quality standards to industry best practice.

The board of the organisaion is committed to developing and growing its education remit for the benefit of learners. Furthermore, it's dedicated to using Dublinia’s experience in the industry to deliver practical and relevant training for the benefit of adult learners.

At Jobs Expo Dublin they will be offering information on the 2 courses they're running at Level 5 Cultural & Heritage Studies and Level 6 National Tour Guide.

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