
Department of Social Protection To Exhibit At Jobs Expo Cork, 2015

Department of Social Protection
9 November 2015
Est. Reading: 1 minute

The Department of Social Protection supports the Minister for Social Protection in the discharge of governmental, parliamentary and departmental duties. Our main functions are to:

  • advise Government and formulate appropriate social protection and social inclusion policies;
  • design, develop and deliver effective and cost efficient income supports, activation and employment services, advice to clients and other related services; and
  • work towards providing seamless delivery of services in conjunction with other Departments, agencies and bodies
In January 2011, responsibility for the processing of claims under the Redundancy and Insolvency Payments Schemes transferred from the former Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation to the Department.
On 1 October 2011, to give effect to a Government decision in 2010 regarding changes to Departmental functions and responsibility, the Community Welfare Services of the Health Service Executive (HSE) transferred to the Department.

The Department of Social Protection will be exhibiting at Jobs Expo Cork, 2015 on November 19th at the Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, Cork

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