
Daffodil Care Services jobs: meet them at Jobs Expo Cork

Daffodil Care Services jobs
11 May 2017
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Looking for Daffodil Care Services jobs? We are delighted to announce that Daffodil Care Services will be exhibiting and recruiting at Jobs Expo Cork on Thursday 25th May.

Daffodil Care Services is one of Ireland's leading social care service providers. They launched their first residential service in 2008. Since then, they have developed a range of service offerings providing a continuum of care.

Daffodil Care offers a range of residential as well as community based services. They do this through a national network of registered children’s residential centres and semi-independent residential care, in addition to community-based outreach support. They are committed to providing a quality-driven therapeutic residential and outreach service to vulnerable young people as well as their families. During 2017, Daffodil Care Services will be significantly expanding services as their new residential centres coming into fruition.

Daffodil Care Services vacancies

Daffodil Care Services have openings for full-time and relief Social Care Leaders as well as Social Care Workers based in North Cork.

They promote the professional and personal development of each team member. With a clear focus on their ethos and therapeutic approach, they provide for significant investment in their people. As a result, through their professionalism and commitment, their team members greatly enhance the experience and outcomes for their service users.


Residential Care

Daffodil Care Services are committed to providing a continuum of care to young people. Therefore, they have developed an extensive network of residential based services.

Community & Aftercare

Daffodil Care’s community support service support young people and their families in their own environments.

Parents Plus

Parents Plus Programmes are practical, positive and evidence-based programmes which are ideal for parents and also for adults working with children and young people. The programmes follow international best-practice guidelines. Daffodil Care Services have devised these programmes using Parents Plus tools specifically tailored to meet the needs of vulnerable families.

Assessment Centre

Daffodil Care Services’ Assessment Centre is available to organisations, families or individuals, providing access to professionals in the following areas:

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy

Ethos and Philosophy

Daffodil Care has adopted a positive focused ethos. In addition, they believe that everyone has the ability to change. They see problems as opportunities to learn, develop and grow. All young people and their families have strengths and skills that can be nurtured.  Daffodil Care works to support these strengths.

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