
CPM Ireland To Exhibit At Jobs Expo 2016

12 April 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute

CPM Ireland is a leading Field Sales & Marketing Specialist. They have been operating in Ireland since 1986. They are part of a worldwide group with over 25 offices around the globe.

Their Mission is to grow our clients' business by using insight to create influence & drive sales.

First and foremost CPM is in the business of people. It is the essence of what they do - their DNA - delivering their brands to their customers through their own people.

To give an idea of the size & range of activities they undertake globally on an annual basis;

  • CPM will make nearly 20 million face-to-face sales calls in retail across the globe this year.
  • Their call centres will handle more than 9.3 million inbound and outbound sales & customer care calls this year.
  • They will carry out over 810,000 sampling/demonstration days this year.

CPM Ireland will be exhibiting at Jobs Expo 2016 at Croke Park, Dublin on the 7th & 8th of May & Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, Cork on the 23rd of June 2016.


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