
CIMA to exhibit at the autumn's Jobs Expo Dublin

18 October 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute

We are proud to announce that the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) will be exhibiting at Jobs Expo Dublin on 21st October.

CIMA is the world’s leading and largest professional body of Management Accountants. They have approximately 227, 000 members and students operating in 179 countries. Their graduates work at the heart of business.

Their qualification is perfect for anyone considering a career in business or finance. It is also ideal if you want to develop your future with a world-class employer.

Thousands of companies around the world train their staff with Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. This includes multinationals and start-ups, as well as public and private bodies. As a result, in any sector you can think of, their graduates are driving businesses forward.

Why choose the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants?

By studying with CIMA, you will develop the critical knowledge and skills that employers are looking for. You will also be ready to work in any business – large or small, public or private, all around the world.

Their members are qualified Chartered Management Accountants who apply their business skills in many different areas and industry sectors. Typically CIMA members go on to achieve senior positions as strategic managers in public and private sector organisations. In Ireland north and south, CIMA maintains a graduate and student membership of over 8,300. These are financial and strategic decision makers. They work in industry and commerce as well as not-for-profit organisations. Therefore CIMA graduates help drive the economies of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


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