
Careers at Aviva: Meet this world leader at Jobs Expo Galway

Careers at Aviva
14 August 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Want to find out about careers at Aviva? We are delighted to announce this global leader will be exhibiting as well as recruiting at Jobs Expo Galway this September.

About Aviva

Around the world, Aviva provides around 33 million customers with insurance, as well as savings and investment products. They are a leading insurer in Ireland, and are part of the Aviva group. The group is present across 16 markets in Europe, Asia and Canada.

Aviva combines strong life insurance, general insurance and asset management businesses under one powerful brand. By serving their customers well, Aviva is building a business that is strong and sustainable. In addition, the company makes a positive contribution to society.

The company has over 300 years of heritage. They are a top six life insurer in all their European markets. In Ireland, Aviva has close to 1,100 employees.

Aviva Ireland

Aviva Ireland provides a comprehensive range of general insurance products, including motor, household and commercial. In addition, they offer pensions, protection plans as well as savings and investment products.

Careers at Aviva

Aviva believes that there is more to a job than the results you achieve and the money you’re paid. They understand that respect and recognition are just as important to their staff. Therefore, Aviva offers a huge number of opportunities as well as support to help staff achieve their career goals.

Working with Aviva also means accessing the many significant benefits that one of the world's leading financial services companies can provide. They offer a first-class package because they want to attract the very best people.


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