
Broadcaster Ruth Scott to compere Agenda Seminar Stage at Jobs Expo Dublin

Ruth Scott
24 April 2019
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Broadcaster Ruth Scott will compere the Agenda Stage seminar talks at this Saturday's Jobs Expo Dublin at Croke Park. Ruth is well known as a broadcaster with Radio Nova and, formerly, RTE 2FM. Ruth is an experienced panellist for both The Today Show (RTE) and Midday (TV3) and has moderated discussions at the 2015 Websummit in Dublin. She is often invited to speak at business, school and local events, both in her native Roscommon, and nationwide.

Ruth will moderate the day of talks and seminars at Jobs Expo Dublin. The day will include talks from organisations such as Paypal, Mercedes Benz, the Irish Defence Forces and Solas amongst others, while topics and discussions will include CV Writing, moving to Cork, creating a fulfilling worklife balance and more.

Registration to Jobs Expo Dublin is free - register for your free ticket by clicking here. 

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