
Are you considering doing an online course in 2020? Check out what eCollege have to offer at Jobs Expo Cork

eCollege courses
8 November 2019
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Solas' eCollege will be exhibiting at our upcoming Jobs Expo in Cork Talk to their team from 10 am to 4 pm on 23rd November in City Hall. Register here for FREE ADMISSION.

What is eCollege?

eCollege is a leading learning institution that delivers online and distance training courses in business, project management, SQL, Cisco, graphic design, web design, digital marketing, software development and basic computer literacy.

What do I get with an eCollege Course?

While these courses are delivered completely online, dedicated eTutor support is available throughout all our courses on a daily basis.

There are many benefits of studying at eCollege including:

  • All course materials included
  • eTutor support five days a week
  • Practice tests and Examination costs included
  • Online access to your course 24/7
  • Licensed software (if applicable) will be provided for the duration of the course
  • All courses lead to Industry recognised certifications


For some courses, we will provide students with the software required. For example, students enrolling onto our Adobe awards will get a license to Adobe Creative Cloud. Please be aware, that software will only be accessible during the course.

How to enrol?

If you are currently in receipt of social welfare, you can go to your local Department of Social Protection or Intreo office and ask to enrol on an eCollege course. You may wish to visit the courses page prior and take note of the course code.

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