
Alere jobs - Meet this socially conscious global firm at Jobs Expo Galway

Alere jobs
16 December 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute

If you are interest in Alere jobs and careers, don't miss Jobs Expo Galway. They will be taking part in our event on Saturday 11 February 2017.

Alere Inc. is a major global company that develops, manufactures and markets advanced medical diagnostic products. They deliver reliable and actionable information through rapid diagnostic tests. As a result, they support better clinical and economic healthcare outcomes globally.

The company has a socially-conscious business approach. This means they focus on creating breakthrough, cost-effective diagnostic solutions that address the most intractable diseases across the world. This includes infectious disease, cardiometabolic disease and toxicology.

Alere is committed to delivering high-quality products and services that patients and providers can rely on for consistently accurate and actionable information. They deploy unique innovative technologies that transform diagnostic products as well as expand into new platforms and solutions with proven health and economic outcomes.

Products & Services

Alere products give providers, physicians and patients access to the right information at the right time.

There products products and services include tests to assist in the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases such HIV, malaria, syphilis, e coli, and influenza. In addition, they offer tests to assist in the diagnosis and management of cardiometabolic factors and conditions. Finally, their innovative diagnostics provide reliable and actionable information. As a result,  healthcare professionals can make informed decisions.

Alere jobs

Alere has many great opportunities and offers a great work environment, professional development and challenging careers as well as competitive compensation.

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