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20 Telematics Jobs Announced At Dublin Based Transpoco

7 January 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute

A Dublin based company Transpoco have announced 20 new telematics jobs at their offices. This will double their workforce and comes after the launch of their new software product Synx.

They are Based in Swords in north Co Dublin and have been around since 2004. They developed vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions, beginning with a GPS tracking system for professional drivers with an aim of achieving greater fuel economy.

With the creations of 10 jobs last year its current staff number of 20 is expected to double to 40 by the end of 2016 to work on its latest product called SynX, which was developed following research and development support from Enterprise Ireland over the past two years.

The main concept of SynX, much like its predecessor, is to integrate its GPS technology with cloud computing capable of handling data uploaded from a driver’s fuel card.

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